Historic Itinerary
Every corner in Castro is full of thousand-year old history that make the city one of the most important centres in the Mediterranean area.
The old town tells about people and cultures that followed one another, during the centuries, writing very important events of both the old and modern history.
The archaelogical sites in Capanne and Palombara keep all finds still secret, the Cathedral with the Byzantine crypt and the Episcopate narrates about the importance of this outpost of Christianity.
Towers, messapian walls, the ones enduring from more recent ages, those destroyed by Turks and then restructured, nowadays they still protet the hamlet.
The Aragonese castle, today's lively cultural centre, hosts MAR, the civic and archaeological museum that includes an area dedicated to a series of finds rediscovered during last year workings, among which the remains of the Temple of Minerva and the bust of the goddess, testimony of the Route of Aeneas.
Aenea's harbour is the place of the legendary haven of the Trojan hero and the place of the hard work Castro's fishermen keep doing celebrating the tradition and always respecting the sea.